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Ambasada SAD u Beogradu – Program malih grantova Demokratske komisije (FY2024)

Ambasada SAD u Beogradu – Program malih grantova Demokratske komisije (FY2024)

Ambasada traži aplikacije koje se fokusiraju na sledeće teme:
1. Participatorna demokratija: Promovisanje većeg građanskog učešća informisanih građana u demokratskom procesu. Podrška efikasnom zagovaranju u ime zajednica ili grupa, promovisanje odgovora vlade na birače, jačanje transparentnosti i borba protiv korupcije. Edukacija birača i mladih, čak i ako još ne mogu da glasaju, o političkim izborima i procesima donošenja odluka. Javna debata o pitanjima od javnog interesa ili zabrinutosti.
2. Ljudska prava: Promovisanje tolerancije, razumevanja i ravnopravnosti za ranjive populacije, posebno, ali ne ograničavajući se na, osobe sa invaliditetom (OSI), etničke i verske manjine, LGBTQ zajednicu, migrante i izbeglice, žrtve rodno zasnovanog nasilja ili trgovine ljudima, itd. Unapređenje rodne ravnopravnosti i osnaživanje žena.

Ko može da učestvuje: Lokalna, neprofitna civilna društva ili nevladine organizacije (OCD ili NVO) ili nezavisni medij koji je legalno registrovan u Srbiji.

Trajanje projekta: maksimum 18 meseci (uključujući i 3 meseca evaluacije)
Iznos: minimum 10.000 USD, maksimum 50.000 USD
Sopstveno učešće: Nije obavezno

Rok za podnošenje: 10. maj 2024., 17h

Slanje predloga projekta na:

Informacije o odobrenim projektima: do 1. jula 2024.

Za više informacija:

Program malih grantova Komisije za demokratiju


Program malih grantova Komisije za demokratiju

Rok za prijavu na konkurs 31.05.2021 do 15 h

Ko može da konkuriše?
• Organizacije civilnog društva

Minimalni i maksimalni iznos sredstava po projektu
do 50.000,00 $

Vrsta podrške
Bespovratna sredstva (grant šeme)

Oblast podrške
• Ljudska prava

• Mediji

Civilno društvo
• Civilno društvo

• Građanska participacija naročito studenata i mladih u demokratskim procesima

Geografska oblast podrške
• Cela Srbija

Posebni zahtevi donatora
Podnosilac projekta mora biti organizacija registrovana na teritoriji RS, angažovana u sprovođenju ili predlaganju projekata čija je svrha dalji razvoj demokratskih institucija u Srbiji, naročito u lokalnim opštinama.

Kako se konkuriše
Slanjem popunjenog prijavnog formulara i tražene dokumentacije na email adresu: i na adresu Američke ambasade u Beogradu

Link do konkursa



Takmičenje za najbolji biznis plan


Takmičenje za najbolji biznis plan

Best business plan competition – za mlade koji imaju poslovne ideje
The US Embassy Belgrade is seeking entries from young people aged 18-25 for the fourth annual Ron Brown Apprentice Program. Through the program, the Embassy invites Serbian students to come up with the next Facebook, Apple iPhone, or hybrid car. The program aims to promote entrepreneurism and sound business practices and to increase self-employment among youth. The U.S. Embassy will determine the winners of the Serbian competition who will then go on to compete in a region-wide contest for the best business plan. In a format similar to that of Donald Trump’s The Apprentice, competitors will pitch their ideas to a panel of successful business people from the region who will evaluate the projects and select the top three.

Why Apply?
•    Two submissions will travel to Zagreb to compete in the region-wide Apprentice program and also attend the Ron Brown Forum: The Future of Energy, April 14-15.
•    Attending the Brown Forum provides an opportunity to network with some of the most influential venture capitalists and entrepreneurs from Europe and the United States. Previous Ron Brown Apprentice competitors have won seed money for their projects, received internships with major companies and met career mentors.
•    Travel expenses will be covered by the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

How to Apply
•    Submissions must be a one-page business abstract, in English; the second page should include the full budget for the proposed business venture. A panel of Embassy experts will select the winners for the Serbian competition, who will be notified by beginning of March.
•    Submissions are due by midnight, February 21, 2014. Send your business plans to the U.S. Embassy at with “The Ron Brown Apprentice Program” in the Subject field of the e-mail.
•    You must be between the ages of 18 and 25 to apply. Each participant must also submit a CV and basic biographical information – name, age, school/university, email, and phone number.
•    Business plan submissions that do not comply with the U.S. Embassy guidelines or contain prohibited, inappropriate, irrelevant, or copied content will be disqualified and removed from the selection.
•    Business plans must be sent to the U.S. Embassy at The Ron Brown Apprentice Program” in the Subject field of the e-mail. Each participant must also submit a CV and basic biographical information – name, age, school/university, email, and phone number.
•    Business plan submissions that do not comply with the U.S. Embassy guidelines or contain prohibited, inappropriate, irrelevant, or copied content will be disqualified, removed from the selection, and not considered for a prize. If you have questions on the contest, please address, subject: „The Ron Brown Apprentice Program.“
